About Beacon HR & IR Consultants
We offer HR & IR consultancy and advisory services to small, mid & Large organisations. Beacon HR & IR Consultants (BHC) ranked as one of the Top Ten Industrial Relations And Labour Law Consultants; was founded by Fredrick Castro – M.A, B.L, PGDBA. He is a student of Madras Christian College (MCC) – Tambaram – B.A Economics, Pacchaiyappas college – Chennai – M.A Economics, JSS Law college Mysore – B.L, and Symbiosis International university (Pune) – PGDBA (HR)

He is a fourth-generation advocate in his family. He started his career practising law in the High Court of Madras and in the Labour courts of Tamil Nadu which he continued for 20 years. He held the post of vice president labour law practitioners’ association in 1989.
During his labour law practice stint, he was the office bearer and advisor to many trade unions
Thereafter, he entered the service sector as Manager HR and grew up to be Vice President – HR & IR. He grew up to the rank of Operations head of the unit. After a stint of 7 years in the service sector he went into the manufacturing sector and worked for a span of 11 years. He is a life-term member of NHRD Chennai Chapter
His legal background coupled with the union experience and management experience has been of use to several organisations in resolving sophisticated issues with considerable ease.
During his tenure in the ‘service sector’ and ‘manufacturing sector’, he has been a key person in turning around the organisations, dealt with numerous sensitive, complicated and hazardous situations with success.
The mission of this organization is to use this knowledge, skills, and expertise to support organisations by providing tailor-made solution at affordable budgets
He believes in upskilling & has the following certifications under his belt
You can know more about us at www.hrirconsultancybeacon.com